PROFI Workshop Benches [EM01]
The PROFI program enables workshop configurations where the operator has everything within perfect reach, e.g. by adding swivel arms, tool - or bin supports, pressured air connectors for air-operated tools. Different types of shelves on various heights provide extra space.
For a perfect workspace illumination we offer overhead lamps or the tiltable LED workstation lamp for shelf-attachment.
All workshop benches are of cause available with height adjustment and ESD
Sitting or Standing: Those benches never shake
In general our height adjustable benches vary in the number of lifts and whether the hole bench or only the bench top moves up and down. Further more you can choose between manual -, handcrank - and electric adjustment. No matter what you decide: each bench is highly durable and extraordinary stable.
the perfect light for any kind of work
In laboratories, workshops and educational workshops a perfect light is mandatory as the precise work requires an even and complete illumination of the workbench in a light color that the persons attantion at its maximum. We offer different types of lighting for each application.
FLEX Workshop Benches [EM02]
The FLEX system is especially developed for the requirements in workshops. The rear sided FLEX braces with its keyhole perforation allow an individual configuration with all necessary components, e.g. tool support, swivel arms, shelves and a modular channel with electrification and pressured air.
For a perfect illumination the benches are equipped with overhead lamp or alternatively with the LED workstation lamp installed in shelf height.
All workshop benches are of cause available with height adjustment and ESD
the perfect light for any kind of work
In laboratories, workshops and educational workshops a perfect light is mandatory as the precise work requires an even and complete illumination of the workbench in a light color that the persons attantion at its maximum. We offer different types of lighting for each application.
EASY Workshop Bench [EM03]
The EASY system bases on a robust bench with surrounding tubular steel frame, it is perfect for the rough requirements in mechanical workshops or assembly workshops.
The benches are available with a variety of bench tops:
- highly durable hardlaminated multilayer chipboard
3-layer chipboard, hardlmainated with disipative volume and suface according DIN-EN 61340-5-1
- Solid wood worktops oiled or laquered
- Worktops with ceramics
- Stainless steel covered bench tops
- Trespa bench tops
Top Highlight
IMOD – Intelligent and Modular Device Series
The intelligent and modular laboratory device series IMOD offers manifold possibilities for networks-integration and an ultra modern touch screen with intuitive menu navigation. All included AC sources, DC supplies, multimeter and function generator with set and acutal values are clearly indicated in one picture.
Top Highlight
IMOD – Intelligent and Modular Device Series
The intelligent and modular laboratory device series IMOD offers manifold possibilities for networks-integration and an ultra modern touch screen with intuitive menu navigation. All included AC sources, DC supplies, multimeter and function generator with set and acutal values are clearly indicated in one picture.
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the perfect light for any kind of work
In laboratories, workshops and educational workshops a perfect light is mandatory as the precise work requires an even and complete illumination of the workbench in a light color that the persons attantion at its maximum. We offer different types of lighting for each application.
Mobiles and Carts
Mobiles and carts are useful in workshops in many ways. This can be for transportation, for storage, for commissioning or simply as temporary bench extension. For that reason the mobile solutions are in bench height and most of them are also modular and use the same components than the bench system. Each mobile and cart is of cause also available in ESD
the perfect light for any kind of work
In laboratories, workshops and educational workshops a perfect light is mandatory as the precise work requires an even and complete illumination of the workbench in a light color that the persons attantion at its maximum. We offer different types of lighting for each application.